Intangible Heritage


Intangible Heritage


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Bowling Game

It did not have a strong presence in Limpias initially, but in 1909, Don Pablo Peña Toraya requested the installation of two bowling alleys known as "pasa bolo and emboque" in the area of La Venera. Following this, bowling gained popularity, and more alleys were constructed.

By 1927, the rowing races of Limpias were already well known. In 1979, the local Rowing Club Sports Association was granted a building that had once been a washing place in the El Rivero neighbourhood.  

En la actualidad  el club de piragüismo de Limpias cuenta con un emplazamiento nuevo en el Centro Multiusos  ubicado en el paseo que bordea la Ria. 

It did not have a strong presence in Limpias initially, but in 1909, Don Pablo Peña Toraya requested the installation of two bowling alleys known as "pasa bolo and emboque" in the area of La Venera. Following this, bowling gained popularity, and more alleys were constructed.

By 1927, the rowing races of Limpias were already well known. In 1979, the local Rowing Club Sports Association was granted a building that had once been a washing place in the El Rivero neighbourhood.  

Ball Game

Behind the Church of San Pedro, there has likely been a designated area for this game since time immemorial; however, in 1880, it was banned due to the damage caused both to buildings and to people by the ball.

Behind the Church of San Pedro, there has likely been a designated area for this game since time immemorial; however, in 1880, it was banned due to the damage caused both to buildings and to people by the ball.

Petanque is a sport that requires and develops precise throwing skills and can be played on nearly any surface. People of all ages enjoy this entertaining game around the pitch, passing it down from one generation to the next.    





Festival of the Holy Christ

The festivities in honour of the Holy Christ of the Agony have become a key event in the region’s calendar. Combining religious tradition with celebration, a series of activities is held to commemorate the Holy Christ.  

The Triduum consists of three days of Masses and worship, beginning with a floral offering, and these days are accompanied by Rosary, Triduum prayers, and Eucharistic celebrations. On the final day, 14 September, there is a procession with the Most Holy Christ.  

At the end of the procession, the Town Council offers chocolate with sponge cake to all attendees, creating a lively atmosphere around the Church of San Pedro. Additionally, a band always accompanies the festivities.    


Three Kings Parade
in Seña

In Seña, under the guidance of Father Trinitario Andrés Sagarna, catechist Alfonso Oruña, and a group of young people attending catechism, the beginnings of what is now known as the "Holy Play and Three Kings Parade of Seña" took shape. The first parade took place in 1987, using the priest’s robes as costumes and local draught horses as mounts.  

On 20 December 2006, the statutes were drawn up and registered in the Associations Registry of the Community of Cantabria under Organic Law 1/2022 of 22 March, which governs the right of association.

In 2013, it was declared A festival recognised as of Regional Tourist Interest.

In 2024, the 35th edition was held, without ever being cancelled due to weather… proceeding in wind, snow, or hail, except for the two years during which the world suffered the pandemic.  

The statutes establish 6 January as the fixed date for the celebration, as well as the liturgical scenes to be represented and the order of placement. The statutes also state that the role of the baby Jesus should be represented by the most recent baby born in the village. 


En la Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Se celebra el patrón de nuestro pueblo. Una fiesta que marca el inicio del verano y donde se celebra el ya tradicional Concurso de Tortillas de Patata en el que las Peñas y Agrupaciones compiten por ver quién hace la mejor. La Peña de Los Retales realiza una tortilla gigante para más de 200 personas.
Además de la parte gastronómica, se realizan actividades acuáticas para niñ@s y la Comisión de Fiestas realiza la Milla Solidaria a favor del Cáncer Infantil en el Paseo de Limpias.